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Website Translation & Localisation

Simple, fast and cost effective website localisation.

Website Localisation
website - why

Unlock your potential by localising your website. Easily.

Our platform seamlessly integrates with any CMS, simplifying website translation. In mere clicks, your site becomes a global destination.

By entrusting your website's translation to us, you're not just breaking language barriers; you're also ensuring that your content remains authentic, engaging, and true to your brand's voice, regardless of the language. This powerful synergy of technology and human expertise in over 150 languages opens up unprecedented opportunities for your business to connect with audiences across the globe, fostering understanding and engagement in a way that was once thought impossible.


How it works.

Just drop a simple javascript code onto your website and we take care of the rest. 
No need to set up integrations or manually upload translations to your web server.

unrivalled language support

Over 150 languages supported.

Leveraging our expansive network of linguistic experts, we cover an impressive spectrum of 150+ languages, ensuring that no dialect is left behind.

Our translators are not just proficient in their languages; they are cultural ambassadors, deeply versed in the nuances and subtleties that make each language unique. They work closely with us, employing a collaborative and meticulous approach to guarantee the accuracy and authenticity of your website's content.

Before your site makes its debut, our team conducts a comprehensive quality assurance process. This ensures that every word resonates with your target audience, fostering a connection that transcends borders.

With our unmatched language support, we empower your website to speak to the world, ensuring that your message is not just heard, but felt, no matter where your audience may be.

website - language availaility

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Our platform is a tool that automatically translates your website content into multiple languages using automatic translation engines. It also uses smart translation assets like translation memory and glossary to create on-brand results in any language, reflecting your preferred tone of voice and incorporating on-brand terminology and linguistic preferences Once you're happy, we then edit and polish the translations manually by inviting external translators as well as community checkers for further refinement.

What platforms is it compatible with?

Our platform works with any Content Management System (CMS) through a simple JavaScript code snippet integration. We also can provide ready-made integrations for Wordpress and Drupal, among many other applications.

Are the translations accurate?

Our platform leverages state-of-the-art Neural Machine Translation Engines (or AI).

Translation quality typically starts at approximately 90%, but you can build it up to 98%+ by using translation memory and glossary, as well as by training AI engines. Accuracy can also vary depending on language pairs and content complexity. Manual editing by linguists ensures higher quality and context-appropriate translations. 

No project ever goes live until we've completed our QA Process. 

How do I get started?

Get in Contact with us today!

How much does it cost?

Our website translation solution is 70% cheaper than traditional modalities used to translate websites. Get in touch for a quote today.


Need a responsive translations partner? 

DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF Website Localisation Explore the power of our website localisation tool, translating your website in minutes without the hefty costs.