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Easy English

Help vulnerable consumers from all backgrounds by simplifying your message
in Easy English.

Easy English
Easy English - helping people
dealing with low literacy

Help customers with low literacy with Easy English.

Our team produces content across multiple industry sectors in Easy English helping customers with low literacy access information they can understand.

They possess the requisite expertise to create content into Easy English, accurately and fast. This includes providing meaningful and clear images which supports the Easy English content.


What is Easy English?

Easy English is designed for individuals with limited literacy skills, comprising 44% of the adult (aged 16-65) population in Australia. This does not include rural and remote First Nations populations or individuals residing in institutional settings.

Easy English involves:

  • Communicating in language that resonates with the audience's daily vocabulary.
  • Employing straightforward sentence structures.
  • Reinforcing messages with easily understandable images.
  • Utilising an efficient layout.
  • Incorporating practical consumer feedback.


Easy English - What it is
Easy English - Who it helps
help vulnerable customers

Who Easy English helps.

Accessibility is critical in today's consumer market. There are numerous Federal and State Government Policies and Frameworks which requires content be provided in Easy English.

This is for people who:

  • Have acquired disabilities such as those resulting from a stroke, car accident, head injury, or dementia.
  • Have lifelong disabilities such as Down Syndrome, Intellectual Disability, Cerebral Palsy, or Autism.
  • Have psychiatric or mental illness.
  • Have dyslexia, characterised by difficulty reading and comprehending written text.
  • Have poor educational outcomes or early school dropout.
  • Are older individuals.
  • Are from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
  • Are from diverse cultural backgrounds, including those who speak English as a second language.
  • Are individuals with hearing impairments or those from the Deaf community.
  • Are dealing with health issues.
  • Are short on time.
  • Are experiencing stress.
  • Are providing care for others.

Quality assurance done right.

Quality Assurance consists of several levels of quality review which is embedded into our Easy English solution.

These include:

  • First editorial pass
  • Independent Third Party Editorial Pass
  • Consumer Review and Feedback

Our team works across all industries and subject matter ensuring the delivery of your words and images in Easy English for your customers.

on-demand phone interpreters
phone interpreters
Quality Assurance
DISCOVER FOR YOURSELF Easy English Assist clients with limited literacy skills by providing Easy English for swift and effortless understanding.  

Enhance access for your vulnerable clients by adopting Easy English now.